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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - production


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Перевод с английского языка production на русский


1) производство; изготовление; обработка || производственный; технологический

2) объём выпуска, выпуск; выработка; производительность

3) продукция

4) правило вывода, порождающее правило (в экспертных системах)

production in terms of cash — производительность в стоимостном выражении

production in terms of finished components — производительность, выраженная в количестве обработанных деталей

production per man — выработка на одного работающего

to put into production — вводить в эксплуатацию

adaptable productionautomatic productionaverage-scale productionbatch productioncaptive productionchip production per time unitCNC productioncontinuous productioncustomized productiondedicated productiondefect productionduplicate productionelectronically gaged productionfamily-of-parts productionfaulty productionflexible productionflow productionflow-line productiongross productiongroup productionhands-off productionhigh productionhigh-run productionhigh-speed productionhigh-variety productionhigh-volume/low-variety productioninfrequent small lot productionin-line productionintegrated productionjigless productionJIT productionjob lot productionjob shop productionjust-in-time productionlabor productionlarge batch productionlarge lot productionlarge quantity productionlarge scale productionlarge series productionlean productionlight productionlimited manning productionlimited manpower productionline productionlong-run productionlot productionlow productionlow-quantity repetition productionlow-volume/high-variety productionmass productionmechanical assembly productionmedium batch productionmedium quantity productionmedium run productionmedium size productionmedium volume productionmetalworking productionmid-variety productionmid-volume/mid-variety productionmixed productionmixed quantity productionmultikind productionmultipart productionmultiple productionNC productionnet productionnet shape productionnonstop productionone-hit productionone-off productionone-off component productionone setup productionoption productionpart family productionpiece productionpilot productionpowertrain productionprototype productionquantity productionrandom productionrepetition productionrepetitive batch productionrepetitive lot productionreplacement part productionround-the-clock productionrun-out productionsemicontinuous productionserial productionseries productionshop floor productionshort-run productionshort-scale productionsingle-operation productionsingle-piece productionsmall batch productionsmall lot productionsmall series productionsmall-size productionsmall volume productionstop-and-go productionsubstandard productionturned part productionunattended productionunmanned productionuntended productionvariety-of-parts productionvolume production

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  noun  1) производство; изготовление; production on a commercial scale - производство в промышленном масштабе  2) продукция; изделия  3) производительность; выработка, добыча  4) (художественное) произведение; постановка (пьесы, кинокартины)  5) attr. производственный; - production standard - production workers PRODUCTION standard норма выработки PRODUCTION workers рабочие (в отличие от служащих) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. производство, изготовление; выработка; добыча mass production, production in bulk —- массовое производство 2. изготовление продукции партиями 3. производственный счет 4. эксплуатация production of coal —- добыча угля production of textiles —- выработка текстильных изделий 5. производственный процесс 6. технология relations of production —- полит-эк. производственные отношения 7. организация производственного процесса 8. технологическое проектирование production planning —- производственное планирование production line —- поточная линия; технологическая линия 9. единица продукции 10. производственная единица production plane —- серийный самолет to be in production —- действовать (о предприятии); работать the new car is now in production —- начато серийное производство автомобиля новой модели 11. производительность, выработка; добыча weekly production —- недельная производительность production rate —- производительность; норма выработки 12. продукция, продукт, изделие the newest production of the factories —- новейшая продукция заводов 13. постановка (пьесы, фильма) a new production of "Hamlet" —- новая постановка "Гамлета" 14. начальник производственного отдела (киностудии) 15. директор кинокартины production script —- постановочный киносценарий production still —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) продукция 2) продуцирование 3) производство 4) продуктивность, производительность – dry weight production – energy production – mass production – net production – organic production – pollen production – primary production – secondary production – seed production – total production – total nitrogen production – toxin production ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  продукция PRODUCTION 1) производство; выработка; продукция 2) предъявление – artisan production – commercial production – commodity production – mass production – quality production PRODUCTION 1) а) эк. производство, производственная деятельность, изготовление, выработка (процесс превращения сырья и материалов в готовые к потреблению изделия) clothes cars, food production — производство одежды автомобилей, продуктов питания production schedule — график производства production time — время производства production space — производственная площадь production planning — планирование производства production meeting — производственное совещание production personnel staff — производственный персонал, производственные работники production engineering — организация производства; технология производства; инженерное обеспечение производства production data — производственная информация (показатели хода производственного процесса, технологические показатели) production scheme model — схема модель производства, технологическая схема производства, производственная модель production technique — технология способ производства Syn: manufacture, make, production operation See: production clerk, "production control, "production orientation, "production unit б) доб. добыча (нефти, газа и т. д.) coal oil, iron ore production, production of coal of oil, of iron ore —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) выпуск 2) добыча 3) изготовление 4) изделие 5) получение 6) постановка 7) продукция 8) производительность 9) производство 10) серийный annual production rate — годовая производительность automatic production line — машиностр. линия автоматическая film production staff — киносъемочная группа production efficiency locus — траектория действенности выпуска продукции production motor vehicle — пущенный в производство автомобиль production of defective goods — бракоделие provide turnkey production — компьют. сдавать под ключ roll of a production line — сходить с поточной линии scientific production association — объединение научно-производственное shift production crew — сменная производственная бригада start-to-finish production team — сквозная производственная бригада work production plan — проект производства работ - agricultural production - automatic production - blast-furnace production - book production - captive production - cost of production - current production - direct production - gas production - go into production - heat production - in production quantities - individual production - integrated production - large-lot production - mass production - means of production - metal production - neutrino-induced production - oil-and-gas production - one-off production - out of production - petroleum production - phase out production - pilot production - pilot-scale production - probabilistic production - production airplane - production area - production association - production bundle - production capacity - production cost - production engine - production function - production index - production line -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  изготовление; производство – field production – sound production – television production – video production – virtual production ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  производство, изготовление cement production cold production concrete production fully automatic production of concrete slab heat production large-panel production ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) производство; изготовление; выпуск продукции 2) выработка; производительность 3) продукция; изделия; продукты 4) нефт. добыча 5) нефт. дебит 6) генерация 7) ведение телевизионной передачи; выпуск телевизионных программ 8) вчт. правило вывода; правило продукции; правило подстановки 9) матем. порождение to bean up well production — увеличивать дебит скважины с помощью штуцера; to gage the production of a well — измерять дебит скважины; to stimulate production — стимулировать добычу - audio production - batched-flow production - batch production - bulk-coke production - captive production - charge-exchange ion production - chip production - CNC production - commercial production - commercial production of pool - commingled production - crude oil production - crude production - cumulative production - current production - deep production - defective production - digester production - dry-end production - dust production - electricity production - electric utility production - electronic production - electronically gaged production - electronic field production - electronic film production - external field production - field production - film production - flow-line production - folding carton production - forced production - full-scale production - full production - gas-free production - green-end production - gross production - heat production - high-run production - industrial production - infill production - in-house production - initial daily production - in-line production - interior field production - intermittent production - ion production - large-lot production - limited production - line production - lot production - mass production - motion picture film production - motion picture production - motion-picture print...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the act or an instance of producing; the process of being produced. 2 the process of being manufactured, esp. in large quantities (go into production). 3 a total yield. 4 a thing produced, esp. a literary or artistic work, a film, play, etc. Phrases and idioms production line a systematized sequence of mechanical or manual operations involved in producing a commodity. Derivatives productional n. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L productio -onis (as PRODUCT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  (productions) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Production is the process of manufacturing or growing something in large quantities. That model won’t go into production before late 1990. ...tax incentives to encourage domestic production of oil. N-UNCOUNT: oft into N 2. Production is the amount of goods manufactured or grown by a company or country. We needed to increase the volume of production... = output N-UNCOUNT 3. The production of something is its creation as the result of a natural process. These proteins stimulate the production of blood cells. N-UNCOUNT: oft N of n 4. Production is the process of organizing and preparing a play, film, programme, or CD, in order to present it to the public. She is head of the production company. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 5. A production is a play, opera, or other show that is performed in a theatre. ...a critically acclaimed production of Othello. N-COUNT 6. When you can do something on production of or on the production of documents, you need to show someone those documents in order to be able to do that thing. Entry to the show is free to members on production of their membership cards. PHRASE: PHR n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the process of making or growing things to be sold as products, or the amount that is produced  (The production of consumer goods has increased throughout the world. | Smoking is banned in the factory's production areas. | production costs/manager/process etc)  (Production costs for the plane were too high. | go into (full) production (=begin to be produced in large numbers))  (The prototype engines never went into production) 2 the act or process of making something new, or of bringing something into existence  (The skin's natural production of oil slows down as we get older.) 3 something produced by skill or imagination, especially a play, film, or broadcast  (the new Shakespeare production at the Arts Theatre) 4 the act of showing something  (Entrance is permitted only on production of a ticket.) 5 make a production (out) of sth informal to do something in a way that takes more effort than is necessary  (They only want a sandwich, Bella, don't make a production out of it!)  ( USAGE NOTE: PRODUCTION WORD CHOICE production, product, produce, producer. Production is the process in which things are made, usually with the help of people, or in a factory We need to increase production (NOT the production). | mass production of computers A production is a play, film etc made for the theatre, television, or radio etc a new production of `King Lear' A product is something that is made to be sold, often in a factory, or a natural substance like wood, coal etc that is taken from the ground or land to sell Glaxo produces a lot of pharmaceutical products. | food products such as cakes and ketchup | The country's main products are timber, coal and sugar. Product can also be used to show where something is made, for example on a whiskey bottle you might see Product of Scotland In business, selling and advertising language, a wider range of things are beginning to be called products. For example a life insurance company might call the services it sells its products. Produce (which is pronounced differently from the v) is a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1410, from M.L. productionem, from L. productus, pp. of producere "bring forth" (see produce). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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